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    ...logs all data from multiple serial ports


    The standard DOS version, capable of logging data
    from two serial ports (COM1-4)

  • Do you work with embedded software and wish you had some  way of debugging the system without wrestling with an  ICE?
  • Do you have multiple data-producing devices you wish you  could capture simultaneously for post-analysis?
  • Are you a test engineer responsible for setting up a  system test environment for your company's products?
  • Does your device produce data faster than a standard PC's  UART can handle?

...then Capture is your answer -- a DOS-based utility designed to take the hassle out of writing your own application-specific program. You can log data from one to eight* serial ports, simultaneously, to separate files in either binary or ASCII. Easily configurable with setup files for each port, allows you to specify the baud rate, # stop bits, data bits, parity, cache size, and the name of the output file. Captureshows you real-time status of each port -- a pulse when bytes arrive, the number of bytes logged, as well as the number of framing, parity, or overrun errors that may have occurred.

Capture is designed to be lean and mean. It is fast enough to log binary or ASCII data simultaneously from two standard PC ports each running at speeds up to 38,400 baud. With a multi-port serial board, the RocketPort™ from Comtrol Corp., you can log data from up to eight ports each running at a blistering 230,400 baud!

*logging from more than two ports or faster than 38400 baud requires one of the multi-port serial board options






Capture v1.76 (DOS)



  w/4-port RocketPort and i/f board



  w/8-port RocketPort and i/f board







Copyright © 1996-2003 Moore Associates, Inc.
Last modified: July 30, 2003

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